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Unable to recover SGN-Client with Virtual Client

Hi Guys,

I'm testing recovery solutions in my lab. I'm trying to recover C: drive on SGN-Client machine with Virtual Client. The drive was encrypted with defined machine key. To boot client machine I'm using pre-configured WinPE CD with integrated SGN drivers applicable for my version of SGN ( downloaded from Utimaco FTP. Everything is working fine until the moment I'm about to finish the recovery procedure. I'm able to create and export Virtual Client, generate and enter C/R codes (for defined machine key) into KeyRecovery Tool on WinPE booted client machine. Everything according to "How to use the SafeGuard Enterprise keyrecovery tool " guide. But when I'm clicking on OK button in the tool, instead of recovered drive I'm getting an error "Cannot open the key store.=>aborting". It happens every time I'm trying to recover Client with Virual Client (either on physical or virtual machine).

Could you help???


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  • Hi Simon,

    I'm trying to access my aging memory banks and I recall seeing that issue pop-up once before when testing the pre-built WinPE CD at a partner lab. What we did to get past the issue was put the full contents of the \tools directory found in the file and the recoverytoken.tok file in it's required location on a memory stick.

    After a reboot into WinPE, we launched a command prompt, changed the drive to the memory stick and ran RecoverKeys.exe. We ran through the C/R and everything worked fine. :smileyhappy:

    If that doesn't clear up the error, then I suggest opening a Sophos Global Support case for escalation.

    • Hi David,

      Thanks for your reply.  I've tried to recover machine according to your instructions - unfortunately the issue still existed.

      Luckily I've also downloaded another pre-configured winpe iso file with drivers for other SGN version ( and I'm using it worked!!.




      • Simon wrote:

        Hi David,

        Thanks for your reply.  I've tried to recover machine according to your instructions - unfortunately the issue still existed.

        Luckily I've also downloaded another pre-configured winpe iso file with drivers for other SGN version ( and I'm using it worked!!.



        Hi Simon,

        So the information I provided was helpful, but you needed the WinPE 2.0 disc with the latest filter drivers?

        • Hi David, That's right. I thought the most recent version of pre-configured WINPE CD won't work, as the SGN versions doesn't match...but it did the trick. Thanks a lot for your help :)
          • Hi Simon,

            Glad I was able to help you with your question. Does the forum give you the ability to make my post as the solution? This way, anyone else searching for the same solution will be able to see that your question was answered in the future. :smileyhappy:

            Thanks in advance!
