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Sophos Safeguard 6.10 end of life


I have an old laptop that used Sophos Safeguard On July 1, 2024 my password no longer was working and I am no longer able to log into my laptop. Something must have changed due to the end of life, but was wondering if there is a workaround to get to my files or a way to uninstall. 


-Dave S.

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  • Hello - Does your company/organisation still have the SSG server running Dave? Do you know if you used your Active Directory password to log in with, or did you use a special SSG only one? There are ways to get back in...but it's not easy or simple. It's very dependant on how it was set up in your establishment

    • Hi Michael, thanks for responding. I checked with my old company and they haven't used Sophos for years. They let me keep my old laptop sometime around 2018 and I've been logging in just fine until yesterday. It was a single password that I use to log in to Sophos, first with username, password and domain, and then that opens up windows where I would have to use the same login and password.

      I pulled the hard drive out, but as you can imagine, it did not show anything. Also trying to get into safe mode and maybe updating the registry, but can't figure out how to even do that. I tried changing the system clock back a month, but that actually locked me out of Sophos, so I undid that. I really just need to get in one last time and save some files. 


      -Dave S.

      • Ah...Bugger! What OS is on the laptop Dave? If it's Windows and  Win10 - Do you have a secondary account listed under the primary that's NOT the SSG "cog"/credential provider?

        • It's actually running Windows 7. I think I got this in 2015 or so. I'm happy to start fresh with windows 7 as long as the files on my hard drive stay intact, if that's an option.

          • Options are limited I'm afraid. It's possibly SSG native encrypted with Win7 and 6.1 - not BitLocker. Are you aware of any local users on the machine? If not - I would personally hack you way onto it, as you've started to try already. Did your company export/backup the recovery keys when they decomissioned the server(s)?

            • I'll follow up on the recovery keys. Would there be any difference if the machine was running Windows XP? (The sticker on the laptop says Windows 7 but I seem to recall seeing XP during startup and recall them doing something to change the operating system).

              • Only that it’ll have more security holes and be easier to hack your way in. It’ll still be natively encrypted sadly.