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Sophos Safeguard Locked

My workstation is locked, so it won't accept my password, and I do not have a help desk to provide a recovery key.

What are my options to recover my disk?

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  • Options are not good I’m sorry. The disk is encrypted and the recovery key should be within the Sophos SafeGuard management console. Can any other user log into the machine, or when you say it’s locked so you mean it’s asking for the recovery key as soon as you turn the OC on? 

    • Yes, unfortunately it's asking for the recovery key as soon as I turn it on.  I know the password, but the enter key is greyed out and it says it's locked, so there's no way for me to enter it.  I thought I was screwed, but wanted to check with this channel to see if there was any way to possibly log into another partition, since I do know the password, and at least work around the lock.

      • Hello Pete,

        Apology for hearing about this situation. However, since the drive is currently locked, we do require you to have the recovery key entered for you to access the disk, the best option you can do for now is to reach your administrator and ask for the recovery key on this drive in order for you to unlock the drive.

        Glenn ArchieSeñas (GlennSen)
        Global Community Support Engineer

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