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Safeguard Encryption EOL and Sophos Outlook add-in for Encryption

We have a client who has been using the Sophos Safeguard Encryption with the Outlook ad-in for encryption to send and received emails over the past few years.  Once Safeguard goes EOL and we have to migrate to another product.....are there any concerns with the full removal of Safeguard and the Outlook plugin?  Will our client be able to open older encrypted emails that were sent using the Outlook plug-in?   Or are there any other gotcha's in general?  We're thinking moving to device encryption with Sophos Central, but Office 365 Message encryption for email purposes.   Just really concerned about fallout from fully removing the Safeguard software and Outlook plugin.

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  • We didn't use the plugin, but I would have concerns that it was encrypted in a proprietary manner, and wouldn't be easily decrypted using another solution. Have you logged a call for the supported migration path advice?