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Solved a FileLock issue on network share by BypassRule

Just wanted to share an experience with an application that failed to get a successful file lock on a special database file on a file server when SG fileencryption was installed with version 8.3 and Patch 37 on Windows 10 Pro.

If the user manually edited the database file by windows explorer or text editor, there was no problem. But the Application FAUST by (used for book library management)  that was designed to work with the database file on the network share (Windows Server SMB), hung up when creating new entries. When using ProcessMonitor we could see that it was always trying to get file lock and the server responded with successful file lock ack but it failed anyway and the application could not write into the database file and hung up.

We ruled it out to Sophos Safeguard by uninstalling it after which it worked.

Creating a local bypass rule as found here in that KB worked around the issue and the application was usable again. The KB is mentioning only performance issues but it solves other issues too obviously.

Reg Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\SophosDt2\Parameters]
REG_MULTI_SZ Name:"BypassRules"

Example: "BypassRules"="\\server\share\test\*"

On the network share are encrypted files, so excluding the whole share was not a solution.

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  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember

    that's a great application of a bypass. That's one thing ppl should be aware of - encrypting databases through a secondary encryption scheme (like SGN) is not always a good idea. Some applications are built with very specific requirements for data input and egress that the filter can interfere with. Now, encrypting the backup of the DB should work without issue, but the operational one shouldn't be if it interferes with your program.