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Postgrey anyone?

Hi Guys, just quick question on if anyone is using postgrey in conjuction with Puremessage.   Not sure if this would make puremessage more effective.  We are on 5.5.6 and still seeing a lot of spam.  Yes I know we are advised to upgrade to 5.6.0 but we don't see the need since the spam engine has not been upgraded.  And yes we are aware that this would not be supported by Sophos.



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  • After looking at this again, I am a little unsure of how this would be implemented since postgrey would listen to port 6000. and it looks like blockrd listens on port 4466.  I know this is off topic of support but if we put something like this in the postfix

    smtpd_client_restrictions = ignore_policy_error,

    check_policy_service inet:localhost:4466,

    check_policy_service inet:localhost:60000

    Would this work? In my mind it would go through blockrd then postgrey?


  • After looking at this again, I am a little unsure of how this would be implemented since postgrey would listen to port 6000. and it looks like blockrd listens on port 4466.  I know this is off topic of support but if we put something like this in the postfix

    smtpd_client_restrictions = ignore_policy_error,

    check_policy_service inet:localhost:4466,

    check_policy_service inet:localhost:60000

    Would this work? In my mind it would go through blockrd then postgrey?


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