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Configure AP55s with 2 SSIDs and 2 VLANs

 I have some AP55s connected to a XG230.

They are broadcasting 1 SSID, Bridge to AP LAN, with no problems

I would like them to broadcast another SSID (called guest) on a seprate VLAN.

What's the best way to set this up?

I can create the wireless network with no problems

SSID* = guest

Client Traffic = Bridge to VLAN

Bridge to VLAN id* =  2

But when I try to add that 'guest' network and AP to the existing Default Access Point Group, with VLAN Tagging enabled and AP VLAN ID of 2, I get an error.

Btw, both networks are allowed in the single wifi Zone.

Many thanks for any help

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Parents Reply
  • I have created a wireless network as a Separate Zone which has also created virtual interface wlnet1.

    I have enabled DHCP on wlnet1

    But I do not have the option in Network > Add Interface > Add Bridge to bridge wlnet1 to an existing NIC?

    Can this not be done?

    Many thanks again for any help.
