Dear all,
One of our Red50 seems to be bricked due to the all known update issue....Is there really no way to bring a bricked one back to life ?
jumper, usb setup, or a flash utility equal like the one which exist for the sophos ap's ?
Thx and Best !
Hello m f2,
Thank you for contacting the Sophos Community.
Unfortunately, at the moment there is no supported method of restoring RED devices.
Please create a Support Case to RMA the device and send me the Case ID so I can help expedited.
OK. thx. and we already did the RMA...
But I would like to not waste the old bricked one so I am trying to figure out which hardware underlies the RED 50 (Mainboard, CPU TYPE, which bios, etc.) !?
If somebody has infos I would appreciate
Thx & Best !