Suggestion - Add a hotkey or command that can be ran from the console to list and restore settings from backups on disk

I know the system automatically backs up the config before applying firmware. I wish Sophos would add a hotkey or a console command that would be advertised after logging in that would list out all the backups on disk and let you pick to restore.  If this was available there would be a way out the issue of what to do if the WebAdmin GUI isn't available.  I recently had an issue during a firmware update where High Availablity messed causing the NICs to all be disabled (I believe both systems may have thought they were the Slave). Locky for me I had done a manual backup to a different location but having this option to restore from the console would have been a major time saver and could really help someone who forgot to do a manual configuration backup.  I had to download the latest version, create the media, and run the installation to get to the restore prompt. Plus with the High Avavility option I had to install the 2nd node, skipping the restore, and then enable the High Availability feature on the 1st node and then the 2nd node to get working again.  It would be good if there was an option to restore the node running in Slave mode.  I believe the only way to get the Slave node working again is to reinstall and redo the High Availablity options on both nodes.  However, I could be wrong.

  • Hi Damon,

    You are not wrong. The way you describe is correct.

    An additional option is to put the configuration to an USB-Stick. UTM will load this configuration while booting.

    (the automated Backup from last week ... received by mail ... should be enough)

    I think Sophos wouldn't implement such change. Problems with upgrading Sophos hardware appliances are really rare. With virtual appliances, you can use the last snapshot. Own Hardware ... different NIC-Types ... changed driver-order in Kernel .. rare.
    ... and Sophos UTM is EOL in 17 month.


    Systema Gesellschaft für angewandte Datentechnik mbH  // Sophos Platinum Partner
    Sophos Solution Partner since 2003
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  • Thanks for the feedback. I agree with your reasons Sophos most likely won't do that.  It was just a thought.

    I'm going to really miss UTM.  

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