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UTM SG135 Help please controlling traffic on one subnet.

Hi all,

It has been a while without any issues but I am now running into a problem with unfair usage of network capacity.

Our setup is configured with sub-nets according to use with one subnet dedicated to "guests" traffic.   Our maximum capacity is restricted to 40Mbps by the isp (we do not yet have fibre so have to rely on wifi bridge across the valley which is why there is a maximum applied.

A recent check on the UTM shows that the guests have been inadvertently hogging all the capacity and I need to restrict this so that other subnets get reasonable capacity.

There are very many options offered on the UTM and I am well out of my knowledge comfort zone.  I would appreciate some guidance please.

FYI I do have a second isp with a connection which relies on land line and can never give more than 7Mbps but seldom gives more than 4Mbps.  I use this as a fallback if the wifi link fails which it does on occasions but this does not seem to be providing any relief so I may have the configuration wrong for the fallback also.

Any and all help much appreciated.



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