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ipv6 mask on WAN side - Can it be less than 64


I try to setup IPv6 on UTM9 latest firmware. My successfully installations have always a /64 on WAN side and a /64 on internal one. Now at a customer place, they receive a /124 on WAN side and /64 on internal. Problem is that I can't get traffic from WAN interface to his ipv6 GW. From outside the net I can ping the WAN ipv6 not the internal one.

Does anyone already face this problem and if yes could solve it?


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  • Hello Daniel,

    Normally you don't use  subnetting with IPv6, the provider must send a IPv6 Prefix with a lower network than /64, for example /56 or /48. Then you can use your own network /64 on the internal site with the provider Prefix.


  • There are several ways to provide IPv6 connectivity. Normally your upstream should give you a documentation.

    One common way is to have a transfer net with only 2 nodes, for example 2001:db8:1234::1 for the provider gateway and 2001:db8:1234::2 for you.

    In this case a /126 is sufficient, a /124 may do.

    However there has to be another assignment called "routed network" (often a /56 or /48) which will be reachable by the customer IP,.

    One example of this scenario is Hurricane.

  • There are several ways to provide IPv6 connectivity. Normally your upstream should give you a documentation.

    One common way is to have a transfer net with only 2 nodes, for example 2001:db8:1234::1 for the provider gateway and 2001:db8:1234::2 for you.

    In this case a /126 is sufficient, a /124 may do.

    However there has to be another assignment called "routed network" (often a /56 or /48) which will be reachable by the customer IP,.

    One example of this scenario is Hurricane.
