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cannot setup as router

hi, i am new. just use a hp pc setup UTM 9 home , i use three gigabit network for the pc. one is connect to my gigabit switch ,one to my AZTECH DSL8800SR modem(i set it to modem bridge). and i have configure my UTM dialup password. it show both status are down . but my modem have get the ADSL signal. anything i wrong configure.

thanks for guide me step by step.

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  • I had a problem where the unit I was using would not auto-negotiate the connection speed at hardware level, I set the interface to the max for the device it was connecting to and all started working...

    go into Interfaces, Hardware, select the interface, uncheck auto negotiation, then select the highest speed for the interface.


    hope this helps

    this took me 2 days to work out ( I love

    XG & UTM Architect (Systems: XG v18 & UTM 9.7 - Virtual, HW & SW)
    Curious enough to take it apart, skilled enough to put it back together, Clever enough to hide the extra parts when I'm Done!

  • try ard , same , down both showing

  • Sometimes, this is as easy as Jason describes.  Read #7 in Rulz and follow #7.7 to try Jason's suggestion.

    Cheers - Bob

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
    Sophos Certified Engineer - XG
    Gold Solution Partner since 2005
    MediaSoft, Inc. USA
  • have you tried to configure either of the other interfaces, so you can connect with a pc to webadmin?

    so, you would have 3 LANs setup (different subnets), and allow access to webadmin via these interface can you get to the webadmin gui on any of the other interfaces?


    the other item I came across (when doing initial testing), is when you create the PPPO? interface, if you are using FTTC (VDSL), do you tick the VDSL tick box?

    If you do, un-tick the VDSL option and try again.

    XG & UTM Architect (Systems: XG v18 & UTM 9.7 - Virtual, HW & SW)
    Curious enough to take it apart, skilled enough to put it back together, Clever enough to hide the extra parts when I'm Done!