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Sophos UTM Home new licensing model

Sophos UTM Home notified me that my license will expire which surprised me since I remember it mentioning expiring in the year 2099 or 2999. I am pretty sure I went to sleep in my bed and not a stasis pod.

Looking at the license overview on my UTM web admin I see that all advanced features are set to expire and whilst renewing the home license I see that these features are no longer part of the home/essential license.

Are the advanced features available in the Sophos XG home version of the firewall or has the licensing changed there as well? I have done a quick search but could not find anything conclusive. Except a recent official post regarding features that will be disabled after license expiry.

Thanks for your time reading this and answers are much appreciated. Have a nice day.


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  • After reading another question regarding Sophos UTM Home, the OP mentioned that his license is valid for  3 years. So I decided to go through the initial registration process again and was emailed a new home license key.

    So what happened was that after getting the expiry notification I logged in to and requested a new license and was presented with the essential license option. After re-registering through I got the new key emailed and when I log in to and apply for a new license I now get home license as an option.

    So for anyone else that ran into this issue: You will have to re-register for a home license only then will it be available as an option when creating a new license through

    Thank you Amodin and BAlfson for your fast responses.

  • After reading another question regarding Sophos UTM Home, the OP mentioned that his license is valid for  3 years. So I decided to go through the initial registration process again and was emailed a new home license key.

    So what happened was that after getting the expiry notification I logged in to and requested a new license and was presented with the essential license option. After re-registering through I got the new key emailed and when I log in to and apply for a new license I now get home license as an option.

    So for anyone else that ran into this issue: You will have to re-register for a home license only then will it be available as an option when creating a new license through

    Thank you Amodin and BAlfson for your fast responses.
