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Unable to automatically restore from USB more than once?

I have placed a backup file onto a FAT formatted USB drive renamed as restore.abf (unencrypted) and booted up the UTM to a successful restore. I attempt this again and it does not work. Same system, one edit made to system, reboot, says "Backup Restore              Skipped" on the detailed boot menu of the UTM. I removed the file from the flash drive and attempted to move a different one onto the drive with a new timestamp, etc. Same thing..."Skipped". Any ideas?

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Parents Reply
  • Thanks for your reply. I should have mentioned that all other restore methods are working correctly. This is a test to see if we can go forward relying on handing someone in the department a flash drive with a restore.abf loaded and have it plugged in for a reboot during emergency situations. Below is a screenshot from the Sophos documentation explaining what I would like to do. It runs once, but never again. I would expect it to load off of the flash drive at every boot until it is unplugged. I have attempted the proper order many times as well with shutting the machine down without anything plugged in and waiting until it is off before plugging it in.

  • That's good to know you're testing this and thanks for explaining. I assumed you needed to restore the backup immediately. In this case, there is not much I can comment on, to be honest. I will try to run this in my test device and see if I come up with the same problem or not.



  • Hi Justin,

    after reading your post, I remembered that I once run into the same problem. Didn’t follow that problem further because lack of time and availability of other restore methods.

    But just to let you know, your not alone ;-)

    Best regards 



  • Great! Thanks for replying. I was scouring for a small hidden file or something similar that tells the system to skip the restore. I am sure it is intentional as a flash drive left in a remote system would seriously confuse an admin wondering why nothing sticks reboot after reboot. If it were up to me the file would be restored and then renamed restored-{date}.abf once the system finally launches. This would prevent the issue.

  • Hi Justin and welcome to the UTM Community!

    I bet Jaydeep decides that you found a bug, so your first participation here helps us all!

    You also could report this via a Support case.  I see you're in the Sophos EMEA area where you only can directly open a case with Support if you have Premium Support.  Otherwise, you would need to get it open via your Sophos reseller partner.

    Cheers - Bob
    PS The rule for restoring via USB is that there be only a single .abf file in the root directory of the memory stick.

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
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