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Rename certificates



how can I rename the certificates in UTM 9.4?




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  • Hi,


    I mean the default local and the user certificates.

    When I regenerate a signing ca the local and user certificates are also renewed.

    The new certificates have "regenerated" in the name.




  • HI sts,

    Once you have regenerated you cannot change  the name of the certificate on the appliance , But there is a trick to it , If you delete the certificate , it would automatically generate a new certificate and the Tag "(Regenerated)" would be removed. 

    Note:  That the certificate fingerprint Would be different each time you delete  and might need to consider this certificate for your Client end PC. 

    Thanks and Regards

    Aditya Patel | Network and Security engineer.


    Aditya Patel
    Global Escalation Support Engineer | Sophos Technical Support

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  • Hi Aditya

    when I delete the admin certificate the sophos recreate a new one.

    But I can not allocate this certificate.

    I got the error

    The user object needs IPsec peer authentication objects for the certificate attribute




  • HI STS,

    Could you provide me more information on the issue while allocating the certificate ? . Where are you applying the Certificate and could post a Snap as well. 

    Thanks and Regards

    Aditya Patel 


    Aditya Patel
    Global Escalation Support Engineer | Sophos Technical Support

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