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Strange behaviour in SSL VPN , Firewall traffic "fwrule=60001"

Hi Community,

i'm facing a strange problem in a sophos from one of our customers. The SSL VPN Has beenstruggeling with long first loading times in the browser, for example we go to, takes about 40 seconds to load, so i thougth it was a dns problem, however me and the sophos support tried every possible dns things, to no avail. THen we were looking at the firewall logs and we saw that the traffic from the ssl vpn was being dropped to the sophos (which is acting as a proxy on port 8080) ? , but then the next strange thing is that after some time it starts workign yet the traffic to port 8080 is being dropped. I'm now wondering what is happening here.

Here is the firewall log is the sophos UTM 9.716, and my test client is running the latest sophos connect client using the ssl vpn, its the ip currently trying to access

action="drop" fwrule="60001" initf="tun0" srcip="" dstip="" proto="6" length="52" tos="0x00" prec="0x00" ttl="128" srcport="60627" dstport="8080" tcpflags="SYN"

 I've read that it could be due to masqerading?

Oh and for some reason the ssl vpn pool also isnt part of the deafult web filter profile but yet it's working?



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