EAP 2 - Ram Utilisation

 Dear All, 

my system has 4 GB of RAM and with EAP2, memory utilisation is 84%. 

Sophos: is this the normal or what you expect for such a system?


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  • Fascinating graphs - wonder why those saw bumps in memory usage are there. My (home) XG125 with it's 4 Gigs only is running quite stable with a quite high, but stable mem usage. It's mainly handling family traffic, some intermittent guests and tons of IoT devices.

    Very obvious is the load drop after EAP2 installation.


    The box has quite everything active, SyncSec, WAF, DPI, WIFI, IPS, AppControl, OSPF etc...

    And I just found a bug too - seems that the various RED tunnels and the RED15W aren't shown in the dashboard at all (0/0)

    In my case I have little bit headache, that swap space obviously is in use 100%. Will dig little deeper in a spare minute, which process(es) are swapping so much...

    However - the EAP2 is running anyway fluid and without issues for me personally so far. I will have a look later which processes sucks away that memory....

  • I'm sure you already know but using top, you can do a "Shift-O" and select "n" and press Enter to sort by %MEM. It's definitely the five instances of snort running that's consuming most of the memory.

    I just upgraded from 4GB to 8GB. Showing 42% memory usage and 0k of swap used. But like you mentioned, EAP2 was running stable for me as well with 4GB, 90% memory usage and a bunch of swap memory being used.

    I really hope Sophos allows Home users to utilize up to 8GB with v18.


    Sophos XG guides for home users: https://shred086.wordpress.com/

  • Hi Shred,

    Snort does show substantial memory usage but actually all instances of Snort are actually sharing the same memory locations so those 5 instances (like in my 4 core box) are all using the same 500MB portion of memory.


  • I have to agree with  I haven't used XG in a while but memory usage and throughput aside, v18 is very fast and stable. Using regular proxy for av and categorization, you can hardly tell that any proxy is being used at all. It seems like a simple NAT router with no lag or hesitation while surfing normally. Don't know if later v17s were like that but when I stopped using XG around v17 GA, it certainly was not this snappy.

    Their code cleaning and optimization have paid off finally and all the DPI and memory usage gripes aside, XG has performed very nicely for day to day tasks and sophos need kudos for their efforts in this regard.



    P.S. I also agree with the sentiment of allowing 8GB for home usage. Although 6GB will still probably be ok in the near future with minimum swap.

  • I have upgraded my v17.5.9 to v18 EAP2. The memory currently sits around 60%.

    I will be adding more IPv6 rules today.

    Mail is still causing issues.



    XG115W - v20.0.1 MR-1 - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v20 GA

    If a post solves your question please use the 'Verify Answer' button.

  • Thanks Ian for sharing your feedback. I hope that during the EAP 3, we will see the final performance improvement.

  • I have a similar problem with RAM on XG210v3@v18 EAP(0) to EAP2...

  • Wow, other than  this is the first graph on an actual appliance with a production license and the memory usage is pretty high. i am guessing those drops are reboots when the orange graphs just fall off and then climb up all the way.  can you tell us a little more about your setup as far as 

    1. IPS

    2 DPI or proxy in use for AV and categorization

    3. How many users and firewall rules and if anything else you are using that maybe using the ram.

     showed his appliance to be swapping heavily on 4GB ram, I wonder what the swap usage is on your appliance. Can you share a snapshot of "top" on console


  • Yes, those drops are reboots. Some of them are spontaneous reboots. Uptime is max. about 5-6 days...
    So far we use a XG210 firewall under licence Basic firewall for SSL VPN (remote access - cca 30 users) and IPSec site-to-site (cca 30 tunnels). We have an active licence Network protection but we do not use it yet. I will try to transfer the existing configuration to another box with a clean installation of the v18 EAP2. Perhaps the problem is related to the upgrade from v17.5.8 MR8 to v18 EAP.

  • I had some spontaneous reboots on EAP1 but EAP2 is stable for me. It is a little concerning that it is rebooting all by itself. Clean install shouldn't matter as XG does a clean install and transfers your configuration to the new firmware but it won't hurt to test a clean install. Thanks for sharing your configuration.

     interesting ram changes with IPS enabled. Usually hyperscan only affects throughput. Interesting to see your ram usage drop also. 

