EAP 2 - Ram Utilisation

 Dear All, 

my system has 4 GB of RAM and with EAP2, memory utilisation is 84%. 

Sophos: is this the normal or what you expect for such a system?


Parents Reply
  • Yes, those drops are reboots. Some of them are spontaneous reboots. Uptime is max. about 5-6 days...
    So far we use a XG210 firewall under licence Basic firewall for SSL VPN (remote access - cca 30 users) and IPSec site-to-site (cca 30 tunnels). We have an active licence Network protection but we do not use it yet. I will try to transfer the existing configuration to another box with a clean installation of the v18 EAP2. Perhaps the problem is related to the upgrade from v17.5.8 MR8 to v18 EAP.

  • I had some spontaneous reboots on EAP1 but EAP2 is stable for me. It is a little concerning that it is rebooting all by itself. Clean install shouldn't matter as XG does a clean install and transfers your configuration to the new firmware but it won't hurt to test a clean install. Thanks for sharing your configuration.

     interesting ram changes with IPS enabled. Usually hyperscan only affects throughput. Interesting to see your ram usage drop also. 



  • Hi folks,

    today rebuilt my e3-1225 based system with a new BIOS. The memory usage was down as expected when first started, but I ran an IPv6 test that failed because  of MTU size, so I changed the MTU on two interfaces to 9000 (one internal and the WAN) and memory immediately grew to ver 70%. I restarted the XG because it wasn't behaving and now have MTU on all interfaces set at 9000 with memory at 73%.



    XG115W - v20.0.2 MR-2 - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v21 EAP

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  • It seems that the problem with increasing RAM occupancy has been solved in EAP3. But not quite. RAM occupancy is increasing at a much slower rate, but is still increasing. The graph shows the increase since 19.12.2019 when I upgraded to EAP3.