Improvement request - Still updating a firewall requires so much time

Almost 20 seconds elapsed from the instant when you click apply to the instant you get back to Firewall rule page?

Guys, I hope that you track this as a bug and improve the performance.


Parents Reply
  • Even more challenging, I built the J1900 from V18 EAP refresh 1 update ISO, what a pain. Different install screens, lots of blank screen while something is happening, no indication of activity, enough of that this thread is about performance.

    You thought the upgrade from v17.5.8 was slow this is even slower. Some items never complete a change, I have been trying to update etc notification settings for at least two hours including restart to see if that unstuck it, but no, still the magic circle.


    XG115W - v20.0.2 MR-2 - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v21 GA

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