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I have three xg 105 that are registered but are showing as not registered in Sophos Central Firewall Manager.

I have sent a email to support 10 days ago but have not received a response. The firmware for all three devices is SFOS 16.05.6(266). Does anyone have any suggestions?

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  • John, can you give us some more details. When it comes CFM it can be confusing since you might see a different status in Partner Portal and a different status in Central Partner Dashboard.

    It would help if you could share some screenshots. You can hide the serial numbers and other identifiable information in the screenshots.

  • John, can you give us some more details. When it comes CFM it can be confusing since you might see a different status in Partner Portal and a different status in Central Partner Dashboard.

    It would help if you could share some screenshots. You can hide the serial numbers and other identifiable information in the screenshots.
