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How do I change user group from Administrator to User

Dear All,

When a user account change to Administrator,

how do I change the user group from Administrator to User?

The "User" option is gray, and can't be changed back...


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  • HI ShunzeLee, 

    There is no way for the user to be changed from Administrator to User. Even if you have changed the Role from the user profile the condition remains the same. 

    What Could be done is to delete the user and recreate the same user. Or you may create choose the profile that does not access the XG. If you are using an ADand delete the user, the user will pop back in with the user type "User" as soon as the user authenticates again via AD.


    Aditya Patel
    Global Escalation Support Engineer | Sophos Technical Support

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  • this is strange, why it is so complicated to degrade a admin user?

    please consider the possiblity to change user rights in the next FW update. Thanks.

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