Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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XG security risk report, a risk in itself

A strange heading for thread. If you as a smal business owner recieved every day the XG reports about attacks you would be quite worried.

My daily reports has lots of attacks or attempts to access the internal network with supposed exploits. Most of them if not all are false but there is no way of training or fine tuning the IPS selection?

I see DNS, Spoof, SSL v3, snort, openssl, I don't see the same reports on my UTM. Now the UTM 9.4b has had both of the internet services connected to it at various stages and it does not report any of these attacks.

Also the reporting on website, my weather station which goes to the same websites every day is a risk?

Who ever does the appiication catergorisation is not in touch with reality. A lot of the applications my international, multi country employer (multi billion dollar) uses are deemed unaceptable.

Time someone in Sophos dragged XG into the 21st centry before releasing the next update.

Mail is just a joke, changes to messages when the type is indeterminate, unable to block spam. Mail reporting I recievie hundreds of messages a day acording to the XG report, when I really might receive 50, which 50% is spam. Nobody sophos appears to read the forums which are a valuable source of potential issues that need to be addressed. So are personal beefs whereas others highlight an issue that needs urgent addressing.

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