Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.
I have followed the below document but it is 4 years old and was probably setup on an older version of Sophos Firewall, and I expect a few things may have changed.
(+) Sophos Firewall: HA (Active-Passive) deployment with Amazon Transit Gateway (TGW) in AWS - Recommended Reads - Sophos Firewall - Sophos Community
(I will be running a pair of firewalls but the notes below refer to just one being up)
I not sure how the Transit Gateway (TGW) was 4 years ago but today the TGW has 2 BGP ip's and the second session to the SFW is shown as down in the AWS console if you stick to the instructions above. I guess this is to be expected. I have tried to use similar BGP commands to "up" the second session but I've failed.
I'm trying to engage professional service via my account manager but struggling to get responses. I'm also struggling to find some good documentation. Below is why the second session is important
Transit Gateway Connect attachments and Transit Gateway Connect peers in Amazon VPC Transit Gateways - Amazon VPC
"A Transit Gateway Connect peer consists of two BGP peering sessions terminating on AWS-managed infrastructure. The two BGP peering sessions provide routing plane redundancy, ensuring that losing one BGP peering session does not impact your routing operation. The routing information received from both BGP sessions is accumulated for the given Connect peer. The two BGP peering sessions also protect against any AWS infrastructure operations such as routine maintenance, patching, hardware upgrades, and replacements. If your Connect peer is operating without the recommended dual BGP peering session configured for redundancy, it might experience a momentary loss of connectivity during AWS infrastructure operations. We strongly recommend that you configure both the BGP peering sessions on your Connect peer. If you have configured multiple Connect peers to support high availability on the appliance side, we recommend that you configure both the BGP peering sessions on each of your Connect peers."
The community document talks about route-maps , I have seen some notes saying that route-maps are no longer present V21 , they don't appear to be there in the Web Console however at the command line it seems they are.
Has anybody had any success in setting a SFW <-> TGW connect attachment connection and had both peering sessions showing as up in AWS ? Could you kindly give some tips on the BGP commands to achieve this ?
Thanks in advance.
Here is some further info
For a single TGW connect peer in the AWS console I'm only able to get one Transit gateway BGP Status showing as "Up" , at a time
Transit gateway BGP 2 Status UP
Transit gateway BGP 1 Status DOWN
Transit gateway BGP 1 Status UP
Transit gateway BGP 2 Status DOWN
At the he other end of the AWS TGW is a Sophos Firewall and I have used this document as a "GUIDE"
The diagram in the above document suggests 4 years ago there was only ever 1 BGP IP on the TGW side for each connect peer, but now there are two.
This is my BGP configuration on the Sophos Firewall
bgp> enable
bgp# configure terminal
bgp(config)# router bgp 64545
bgp(config-router)# show running-config
Current configuration:
frr version 8.4.2
frr defaults traditional
hostname bgp
log stdout
router bgp 64545
bgp router-id
bgp log-neighbor-changes
no bgp ebgp-requires-policy
no bgp hard-administrative-reset
no bgp graceful-restart notification
neighbor SFW01_PEER_GROUP peer-group
neighbor SFW01_PEER_GROUP remote-as 64520
neighbor SFW01_PEER_GROUP ebgp-multihop 2
neighbor peer-group SFW01_PEER_GROUP
neighbor peer-group SFW01_PEER_GROUP
address-family ipv4 unicast
neighbor SFW01_PEER_GROUP default-originate route-map primary-firewall
neighbor SFW01_PEER_GROUP route-map primary-firewall out
route-map primary-firewall permit 10
set as-path prepend 64545
line vty
no login
With the below setting for the GRE tunnel , in the AWS console I can see "Transit gateway BGP 1 Status" as up and "BGP 2 Status" as down
sfw01 console > system gre tunnel add name TGW01 local-gw PortB remote-gw local-ip remote-ip
With this setting for the GRE tunnel , in the AWS console I can see "Transit gateway BGP 2 Status" as up "BGP 1 Status" as down
sfw01 console > system gre tunnel add name TGW01 local-gw PortB remote-gw local-ip remote-ip
I would have thought when defining the tunnel I could somehow specify
remote-ip and remote-ip ( TGW two BGP ips) as indicated in the diagram below
It may just be that the Sophos Firewall does not support 2 BGP ip's for the TGW side of the connect peer