Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.
I' trying to configure "Nat Settings" (see image for example) inside the configuration of a Site_to_site ipsec vpn.
I have two separated subet in my network 192.168.1.x/24 and 192.168.21.x/24 and I would like that both subnet, inside the vpn, are NATed to 192.168.129.x/24 (Local_NATed_LAN).
It works only using subnet with same cidr range (for example /24 NATed with If I try using as SF1_LAN (to include both subnets) nothing works.
Is it the right behaviour?
Hi @Gianluca Maistri, when the IPsec gateways' local subnets are different, why do you want to NAT them to to a single subnet?
NAT option given in the IPsec config page is meant for this use case: when both IPsec gateways has same LAN subnet, it is not possible to bringup IPsec s2s tunnel; using NAT option, the local subnet on one IPsec gateway (say gateway1) is translated to a new subnet (say subnet1) and on another IPsec gateway's (say gateway2) local subnet is translated into a new subnet (say subnet2) and now local and remote subnets are different and it helps bringing up IPsec s2s tunnel.
Thanks Sreenivasulu Naidu for you answer.
Unfortunately on the other side of the vpn I have the same subnets and so I have to NATed them. I think that I must use 2 differents translated subnets (one for and one for For now the supplier who manage the firewall on the other side has only provided me with one so I wanted to NATed my two differents subnet with the same subnet provided ( I hope I have clarified the matter.
Thanks Sreenivasulu Naidu for your answer. I'll ask IT on the other side to give me another "Nat translations".
While configuring the NAT (in IPsec config), when mouse pointed on Network Address Translation (NAT), a pop-up is seen saying that subnet should be same for original and translated networks.
Differing original and translated subnets will result in data traffic dropped by firewall.
Ensure to have either same subnets for original and translated or keep individual subnets (not the summarized ones) and have two different NAT translations one for each subnet.
I confirm that SF1_LAN is, with this subnet I tried to summarize/caught subnet 192.168.1.x/24 and 192.168.21.x/24 translating them in Local_NATed_Lan
Remote_NATed_Lan is 192.168.29.x /24.
Ok, got it;
Please confirm this: are you trying to use summarised network (192.168.1.x/24 and 192.168.21.x/24 summarised to as 'Original subnet' (SF1_LAN) ? the networks used in Local_NATed_LAN (192.168.129.x/24) and Remote_NATed_LAN (?).
IPsec NAT variations wise 1:1 NAT (ip to ip) or Many:1 NAT (subnet to ip) and Many:Many NAT (subnet to subnet) are possible, but as far as I recall, Many:Many NAT case with differing subnets is not doable and the subnets need to be same. Need to check.