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SFOS 20.0.0 GA-Build222 DHCP ISSUES

Hello evryone.

after updating Sophos firewall to  SFOS 20.0.0 GA-Build222 the DHCP stop relaing ip adress in all network devisies, i try to desabel./enabled DHCP, reload firewall no result.

i was oblige to downgrade to SFOS 19.5.3 MR-3-Build652 and every thing goes On.

someone had this probleme ?

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  • Hi   Thank you for sharing this snapshot that has given me more clarity on your reported situation.

    In your existing V19.5.X firmware version I can see more than 1 DHCP server defined/configured over the same (physical/logical) interface. In such a scenario it has been observed DHCP stopped leasing IP after the Upgrade to V20 for the subsequent DHCP servers (shared network in the DHCP conf file) over that interface.

    This has been marked as in BUG and the fixed version is marked V20.1. MR-1. 

    NC-129171 - DHCP stopped working after the upgrade from v19.5.3 to v20 GA

    I would suggest logging a support case to review your logs and details with the above ID and to confirm the workaround.


    Vishal Ranpariya
    Technical Account Manager | Sophos Technical Support

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  • Hi,

    You are seeing multiple DHCP servers because this is the only way of declaring a single host static IP assignment which is needed if one wants to define specific rules for specific hosts out of the scope of the dynamic pool. Anyways. I run out of time to deal with the ticketing and waiting for the support to observe my logs. Rolling back to 19.x.x My clients are getting nasty already...


  • Hi   Yes I do agree with your feedback and that is the reason the issue has been accepted as in product BUG. As of now, you may wait till the V20.1 MR-1 release if it is fine else you may roll back for the time being and log a support case for the next plan and workaround if due to any specific feature needs, it was decided to move to V20 GA. I will keep you posted here if there is any change in the fixed version communication.


    Vishal Ranpariya
    Technical Account Manager | Sophos Technical Support

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  • I've rolled back already. Will keep an eye on the updates and will test them in the scheduled maintenance window this weekend. That's the best i can do right now.

    C ya!