Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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WAN IP turns LAN after reconfiguration

Hi All,

Working on XG115. Had a complaint that VPN not working for one user, no connect.

On investigation i discovered that an old WAN private IP that was changed to public is showing up in tracert to workstations/servers from those who can connect. This change done a year ago.

You can also access FW admin portal using this IP on internal LAN only. you cannot access admin portal form vpn for either address.

The user cannot connect as his local LAN address range is same subnet as the old WAN port IP. I have searched XG portal and I can find no entries with that IP in them. not in networking, not on routing table so cant remove it.


old WAN IP

new WAN IP 72.xx.xx.xx

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  • Hi  ,

    Thanks for reaching out to Sophos Community.

    To confirm, only one user is having the issue of being unable to connect to the new WAN IP because he is still connecting the the old WAN IP? 

    Have you tried redownloading and reinstalling Sophos Connect client to the said end machine? and what is the result? 


    Raphael Alganes
    Community Support Engineer | Sophos Technical Support
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  • No not correct. His local area IP range is same as old WAN IP. which some how shows up in tracerts when it is no longer configured in environment.. Using windows clients not Sophos connect..EG;

    Here is tracert from my laptop to PM3


    Tracing route to csi-pm3.shunt2011.local []

    over a maximum of 30 hops:


      1    49 ms    63 ms    45 ms

      2    64 ms    57 ms    38 ms  csi-pm3.shunt2011.local []

    XG115_XN03_SFOS 17.5.12 MR-12.HF062020.1# route -n                              
    Kernel IP routing table                                                         
    Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface   U     0      0        0 br0 UH    0      0        0 ppp0   U     0      0        0 GuestAP 
    72.xx.xx.xx U     0      0        0 Port2   

    privacy issue
    [edited by: wilspin at 10:42 PM (GMT -7) on 19 Sep 2023]
  • ip address is gw, be aware traffic after GW passes thru DMZ zone where range is 192.168.1.x sane as appliance rouge range. one of those must be changed to solve issue. As its popular router address best to eliminate rouge entry in FW appliance but cant find it.

    no static tried.

    Yes upgrade is considered but real question to answer before that-why is showing up as appliance IP when not in routing table. must be rouge entry some where.

  • Hello,

    What IP does the Sophos Firewall have in the DMZ?

    Do you have a diagram of your network and how it connects to the client. 


    Emmanuel (EmmoSophos)
    Technical Team Lead, Global Community Support
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  • Hello, 

    "be aware traffic after GW passes thru DMZ zone where range is 192.168.1" so what are you referring to here?


    Emmanuel (EmmoSophos)
    Technical Team Lead, Global Community Support
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  • what? How can that be? Public IP is on the WAN port. how is that DMZ configured and how to view it?

  • Hello  

    What Emmanuel is referring to is regarding your statement above and confirming what does it mean and what do you refer to out of it.

    be aware traffic after GW passes thru DMZ zone where range is 192.168.1.x

    Further, kindy share a network diagram and traffic flow of the network and of policy and network/interfaces configuration of your Sophos Firewall. 

    Thank you

    Raphael Alganes
    Community Support Engineer | Sophos Technical Support
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  • That was answer to his question about windows machine  that is vpn client.

    Diagram, not handy. Does the routing table not spell it out?

    10.x.x.x LAN

    10.247.x.x VPN host

    10.255Guestap not used.

    72.x.x.x WAN

    Flow= LAN to WAN

    Policy/configuration? I will point out if Client machine is placed alternate ISP it works  The question is why 192.168.1.x)that is not configured anywhere showing up in tracert.? And how can I remove it. I checked three other installations and the first hop on all three was WAN IP address. I would like this one to be the same.  I have not used IP range 192.168.1.x anywhere on the installation but there it is in tracert.

    Lets stay focused on that. You said it has a DMZ configured with that range. I ask where? not in routing table.


  • Hello,

    To clarify, you are the one who mentioned the traffic goes through a DMZ.

    If you can't provide a sketch of the network, I recommend you call Support so they can see your environment live and troubleshoot with you. 

    My only guess is that the SSL VPN range is part of the 192.168.1.x, you can check this  Configure > Remote Access VPN > SSL VPN > SSL VPN Global settings


    Emmanuel (EmmoSophos)
    Technical Team Lead, Global Community Support
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  • yes that is at the client side in response to question about it. This has all become moot as the issue has gone away and its working without changing any thing. 

  • I am unable to locate SSL VPN Global settings. I did look thru that area did not find any setting with that range. 

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