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Using XG on OVH dedicated server - WAN cannot create !


i'm testing XG as Firewall for my VMs in dedicated server in OVH dataceter.

I'm able to configure correctly the WAN port with IP Failover in XG.

In Linux machine i configure the WAN link

infconfig eth0 IPFAILOVER/32
route add GWIP dev eth0
route add default gw GWIP

but in XG firewall i cannot set GW IP out of interface ip netmask (of course)

To get connectivity i made a new zone OVH and move the Port2 to this zone, set static route 0/0 dev Port2, so the firewall can reach internet.

BUT without a gateway i cannot setup VPN server or IPSec VPN, ....

So, i can setup correctly the WAN PORT with OVH settings ?



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