Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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SFOS 19.0 almost bricked my XG230


did a standard FW upgrade today during lunch....big mistake. The XG booted into failsafe mode and stayed there.

The garner service did not manage to start.

Did a factory reset, then loaded the configuration. Same thing.

After a bit of plundering i fired up the CLI and rebooted. Luckily the 18.5.3 was still there, the reset didn't wipe it, and i managed to restore order.

I should mentioned that all these operations took an extraordinarily long time.

I guess i'll be waiting around for the next maintenance release.

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Parents Reply
  • Hi,

    I did regenerate the old certificate although we don't use it using the 18.5 installation. When rebooting into the 19.0 I still did ended up in failsafe mode probably because the 19.0 had already converted the previous configuration. Fired up the CLI, reset to factory mode, changed the network address and uploaded the backed up configuration (With the new certificate), and voila.

    Order has been restored.


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