Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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SFOS 19.0 almost bricked my XG230


did a standard FW upgrade today during lunch....big mistake. The XG booted into failsafe mode and stayed there.

The garner service did not manage to start.

Did a factory reset, then loaded the configuration. Same thing.

After a bit of plundering i fired up the CLI and rebooted. Luckily the 18.5.3 was still there, the reset didn't wipe it, and i managed to restore order.

I should mentioned that all these operations took an extraordinarily long time.

I guess i'll be waiting around for the next maintenance release.

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  • Hi :   Further update you will get on your ticket from the support team (Issue is not getting observed for all XG210).


    Vishal Ranpariya
    Technical Account Manager | Sophos Technical Support

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  • Hi :  Based on the current investigation below is the finding 

    If your device is using a configuration previously restored from a Cyberoam backup, and you have NOT regenerated the appliance certificate on SFOS, upgrading to SFOS v19 will result in operation in fail-safe mode.

    The appliance certificate generated in Cyberoam devices uses a weak signature algorithm (MD5) that is NOT supported for appliance certificates in SFOS v19.

    How to verify before upgrading:

    One may check the Signature Algorithm of the Appliance certificate by running the following command on the advanced shell:

    “openssl x509 -in /conf/certificate/ApplianceCertificate.pem -text -noout”

    If the output shows the signature algorithm as "md5WithRSAEncryption", Please DO NOT upgrade to v19 before regenerating the appliance certificate.

    Points need to be taken care of before Applying the workaround:

    Regenerating Appliance certificate results in remote users being unable to connect via VPN to the Sophos Firewall. Have the remote VPN user(s) re-download their client configuration package from the user portal to make it work. Or Restore the Sophos Firewall to a previous configuration backup taken prior to the Certificate renewal in the previous version. not in v19 to make it work as previously.

    Please refer to below advisory for more info:

    ADVISORY - Sophos Firewall: Appliance goes into failsafe mode when firmware upgrades to 19.0 GA with the reason "Unable to start logging daemon"


    Vishal Ranpariya
    Technical Account Manager | Sophos Technical Support

    Sophos Support Videos | Knowledge Base  |  @SophosSupport | Sign up for SMS Alerts |
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  • Hi Vishal,

    I have regenerated the Appliance Certificate although we are not using the Appliance Certificate any more, for administration console the certificate chosen is the self-signed one which is SHA-256

    I will again try to update and provide the status



  • Hi,

    I did regenerate the old certificate although we don't use it using the 18.5 installation. When rebooting into the 19.0 I still did ended up in failsafe mode probably because the 19.0 had already converted the previous configuration. Fired up the CLI, reset to factory mode, changed the network address and uploaded the backed up configuration (With the new certificate), and voila.

    Order has been restored.
