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POPIMAPDEAMON is dead after updating to SFOS 19

Hi, I have the following problem and hope somebody knows this error.

Today I upgrade my Sophos XG Software Appliance from SFOS 18.5.3 MR-3-Build408 to SFOS 19.0.0 GA-Build317. After restart my XG gives me a red status for services with the following massage "POPIMAPDeamon" Dead.

After I got this massage I make a SSH connection to the XG and show wich services are running.

By showing the services I saw that the service "warren" is dead and tried to start it.

Additional Informations:

- I haven´t import or change any certificate settings on the Sophos XG

- This service is used only for backup my Sophos XG via mail

- If I go back to SFOS 18.5.3 MR-3-Build408 the service works probably fine

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  • Hi,

    please review this thread to see if it might help you?

    imap service issue


    XG115W - v20.0.1 MR-1 - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v20 GA

    If a post solves your question please use the 'Verify Answer' button.

  • Thank you for response. This thread wasn‘t the answer of my problem. Today I found the solution.

  • Today I found the solution.


    First I was watching the warren.log

    • Make an SSH connection
    • Open the advanced shell
    • cd /log 3. tail -f warren.log

    After that I saw that the problem is with the default certificate of the appliance.

    The solution was to do the following steps.

    1. Chang the CA settings

    • Login to your Sophos XG
    • Go to Certificates
    • Go to Certificate authorities
    • Click on edit by the CA called Default
    • Set here state, company and mail
    • Save

    2. Regenerat the ApplianceCertificate

    • Go to Certificates
    • Click on the gear behind ApplianceCertificate
    • Accept the popup message

    3. Start the warren service

    • Start an SSH connection
    • Open the advanced shell
    • service warren:start -dsnosync

    After that the service is running without any problems.

  • Hello, I have exact same issue, however, after following all 3 of your steps, I still get the failed service and ther below errors in the warren.log

    ERR May 25 17:04:44Z [4160022272]: reading private key '/conf/certificate/capr ivate/Default.key' failed for 'error:06065064:digital envelope routines:EVP_Decr yptFinal_ex:bad decrypt'
    CRT May 25 17:04:44Z [4160022272]: FATAL: /cfs/proxy/warren/conf/policy.conf : ERROR - init_policy_config

    when I tried to restart the warren service, I get 

    XGS107_SN01_SFOS 19.0.0 GA-Build317# service warren:start -dsnosync
    503 Service Failed

  • This fixed it for me.  Thank you

  • Hi Team, 

    In case the 3 steps mentioned by Jack_St did not work for you, what you can also try is as follows:

    1. Email > General Settings > POP and IMAP TLS Configuration and changed the TLS certificate from Default to SecurityAppliance_SSL_CA

    2. Login to CLI > Device Management > Advanced Shell and type service warren:restart -dsnosync

    3. Verify it by service -S | grep warren and it should be running now.