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View Users OTP code missing since firmware upgrade to 18.5.2

Hello, since upgrading my XG230 firewalls to 18.5.2 I can no longer go to the MFA settings in the admin portal and retrieve end user MFA codes. Has this been removed or moved to another section in the XG?

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  • Hi : Thank you for reaching out to the Sophos community team. That setting has been removed due to security reasons - Any method that encourages Administrators to pre-generate soft token initialization codes and print out the QR codes, or distribute them through some other means, is inherently insecure.

    So from V18.5 MR-2 onwards, If OTP is on for users then the user requires to self-initialize their OTP by logging on first to the User Portal with their username and password.


    Vishal Ranpariya
    Technical Account Manager | Sophos Technical Support

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  • Hi : Thank you for reaching out to the Sophos community team. That setting has been removed due to security reasons - Any method that encourages Administrators to pre-generate soft token initialization codes and print out the QR codes, or distribute them through some other means, is inherently insecure.

    So from V18.5 MR-2 onwards, If OTP is on for users then the user requires to self-initialize their OTP by logging on first to the User Portal with their username and password.


    Vishal Ranpariya
    Technical Account Manager | Sophos Technical Support

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