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Firewall Traffic gets routed in full-tunnel IPsec VPN

hi there,

since we upgraded our XG to 18.0.4 we have an issue with the traffic (e.g. DNS / icmp) originated from the firewall itself.

We have a full-tunnel IPsec VPN configured for all client subnets to our data center and it seems that routing for the firewall itself is broken now.

SG230_WP02_SFOS 18.0.4 MR-4# ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
--- ping statistics ---
10 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss


SG230_WP02_SFOS 18.0.4 MR-4# traceroute
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 46 byte packets
1 x.x.x.x (IP of Remote VPN-Gateway) 11.644 ms * *
2 * * *
3 * x.x.x.x (IP of Remote VPN-Gateway) 11.576 ms 37.854 ms


SG230_WP02_SFOS 18.0.4 MR-4# nslookup
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached


I know there is a KB article (Sophos XG Firewall: How to Route Sophos Firewall Initiated Traffic Through an IPSec VPN tunnel), but my issue is the exact opposit.
i do not have any rules like described configured.

edit: Output of route lookup:

Route lookup Result is located on the ipsec0 is not behind a router.


Anybody had similar issues or any idea how to solve this?


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