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New Keepass integration doesn't work: could not deserialize object to xml

New Keepass integration doesn't work: "could not deserialize object to xml" Error appears on every try to open KDBX with different compressions/files

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  • Hi Oscar, 

    I would like to check the Database settings to see if there's a difference in the configuration. Please share the screenshot of each tab in the Database settings.

    Click on File | Database settings and share the screenshots of all 5 tabs. (General, Security, Compression, Recycle Bin and Advanced)

    Haridoss Sreenivasan
    Technical Support Engineer | Sophos Technical Support
    Knowledge Base  |  @SophosSupport  |  Video tutorials
    Remember to like a post.  If a post (on a question thread) solves your question use the 'This helped me' link.

  • I'm doing tests with a default database importing the data, I've removed every Ñ, Á, É, Í, Ó, Ú carácter just in case, but I get the same error message.

    Óscar | Let's floppy!

  • Hi Oscar,

    Thank you for the Screenshots. The only difference I see is that the Database Name is empty under the General Settings. Please try with a name (could be any name Eg: Test). If this doesn't work, we would have to create a Support Ticket. Once you change the Database Name, we need to enable Verbose tracing from Sophos Mobile Security before you try integrating the KeePass file again. Please find below the instruction to enable  Verbose tracing:

    1. Open Sophos Mobile Security on your mobile device

    2. On the right top, you will see 3 vertical dots click on that for a drop-down

    3. Select Settings

    4. Scroll all the way down to locate Tracing

    5. Under Tracing, check the box for Verbose Tracing

    Once the Verbose Tracing is enabled, try integrating KeePass file. If the issue still persists, go back to the Settings > Tracing > Send Trace and change the address (you can send it to your email) and share the log file here.

    Also, If possible please create a dummy KDBX file with dummy entries and share the file to me, so that I look into this file and analyze the possible cause.

    Haridoss Sreenivasan
    Technical Support Engineer | Sophos Technical Support
    Knowledge Base  |  @SophosSupport  |  Video tutorials
    Remember to like a post.  If a post (on a question thread) solves your question use the 'This helped me' link.

  • Hi,

    I have 3 main folders in my KDBX, I have exported all of them getting 3 different KDBX files. The smaller one is the ony one that it reads Sophos, I'm still searching a reason for the problem.

    Under the line com.sophos.smsec.crash.sophos.log

    Tracefile touched (app started or preference toggled) at 2017/08/31 14:29:40
    Sophos; 2017/08/31 14:29:40; I; Preference value Seguimiento detallado changed to true
    SMSec: DataBase; 2017/08/31 14:30:01; D; new entry to table log added. ID=441
    SMSec: DataBase; 2017/08/31 14:30:01; D; updated entry in hash table. Name=log
    SMSecLog; 2017/08/31 14:30:01; I; Archivos de seguimiento y registro exportados al cliente de correo electrónico.
    SMSecLog; 2017/08/31 14:30:01; I; Archivos de seguimiento y registro exportados al cliente de correo electrónico.
    SendTraceMail; 2017/08/31 14:30:01; E; file /data/anr/traces.txt is not readable.
    Sophos; 2017/08/31 14:30:01; I; Attaching log file to support mail. uri=file:///storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.sophos.smsec/files/sophos_logs/com.sophos.smsec.crash.sophos.log
    Sophos; 2017/08/31 14:30:01; I; Attaching log file to support mail. uri=file:///storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.sophos.smsec/files/sophos_logs/com.sophos.smsec.trace.sophos.log
    Sophos; 2017/08/31 14:30:01; I; Attaching log file to support mail. uri=file:///storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.sophos.smsec/files/sophos_logs/smsec.sophos.log
    SmSecMsg; 2017/08/31 14:30:01; D; Restart App Protection Engine
    AP; 2017/08/31 14:30:01; I; Start App protection watchdog
    AP; 2017/08/31 14:30:01; I; App protection watchdog: load settings
    AP; 2017/08/31 14:30:01; D; grace period: 5
    AP; 2017/08/31 14:30:01; I; No Apps to protect, run only monitor!
    AP; 2017/08/31 14:30:01; I; Leaving App protection watchdog
    SmSecMsg; 2017/08/31 14:30:11; D; Restart App Protection Engine
    Sophos; 2017/08/31 14:30:11; V; NOTIFICATION_DATA;2355;Sophos Mobile Security 7.05.2355;1418770799000
    AP; 2017/08/31 14:30:11; I; Start App protection watchdog
    AP; 2017/08/31 14:30:11; I; App protection watchdog: load settings
    AP; 2017/08/31 14:30:11; D; grace period: 5
    AP; 2017/08/31 14:30:11; I; No Apps to protect, run only monitor!
    AP; 2017/08/31 14:30:12; I; Leaving App protection watchdog
    WebFiltering; 2017/08/31 14:30:14; D; current on top app:
    Sophos; 2017/08/31 14:30:16; V; NOTIFICATION_DATA;2355;Sophos Mobile Security 7.05.2355;1418770799000
    KeepassViewer; 2017/08/31 14:30:16; D; onCreate() called with: savedInstanceState = [null]
    EntryDetailsFragment; 2017/08/31 14:30:16; D; onCreateView() called with: inflater = [], container = [null], savedInstanceState = [null]
    EntryDetailsFragment; 2017/08/31 14:30:16; D; toogleEmptyView() called with:
    EntryDetailsFragment; 2017/08/31 14:30:16; D; onViewStateRestored:
    EntryDetailsFragment; 2017/08/31 14:30:16; D; onStart() called with:
    SophosPasswordTransfor; 2017/08/31 14:30:16; D; getTransformation:
    Exception: com.sophos.smsdkex.exceptions.ContextNotAvailableException: Context is not available from PolicyManager
    KeepassViewer; 2017/08/31 14:30:16; D; onCreateOptionsMenu:
    EntryListFragment; 2017/08/31 14:30:16; D; onCreateOptionsMenu:
    KPViewerActivity; 2017/08/31 14:30:16; D; onPrepareOptionsMenu:
    KeepassViewer; 2017/08/31 14:30:16; D; onPrepareOptionsMenu:
    KPViewerActivity; 2017/08/31 14:30:16; D; onPrepareOptionsMenu:
    KeepassViewer; 2017/08/31 14:30:16; D; onPrepareOptionsMenu:
    KeepassViewer; 2017/08/31 14:30:25; E; onError:
    Exception: de.slackspace.openkeepass.exception.KeePassDatabaseUnreadableException: Could not deserialize object to xml
    EntryDetailsFragment; 2017/08/31 14:30:32; D; toogleEmptyView() called with:
    KeepassViewer; 2017/08/31 14:30:32; D; clearClipboardAndNotification:
    KeepassViewer; 2017/08/31 14:30:32; D; onCreateOptionsMenu:
    EntryListFragment; 2017/08/31 14:30:32; D; onCreateOptionsMenu:
    KPViewerActivity; 2017/08/31 14:30:32; D; onPrepareOptionsMenu:
    KeepassViewer; 2017/08/31 14:30:32; D; onPrepareOptionsMenu:
    Sophos; 2017/08/31 14:30:33; V; NOTIFICATION_DATA;2355;Sophos Mobile Security 7.05.2355;1418770799000
    KeepassViewer; 2017/08/31 14:30:33; D; onDestroy:
    KeepassViewer; 2017/08/31 14:30:33; D; clearClipboardAndNotification:
    KeepassViewer; 2017/08/31 14:30:33; D; onDestroy: attachments deleted from cache: 0
    SMSec: DataBase; 2017/08/31 14:30:38; D; new entry to table log added. ID=442
    SMSec: DataBase; 2017/08/31 14:30:38; D; updated entry in hash table. Name=log
    SMSecLog; 2017/08/31 14:30:38; I; Archivos de seguimiento y registro exportados al cliente de correo electrónico.
    SMSecLog; 2017/08/31 14:30:38; I; Archivos de seguimiento y registro exportados al cliente de correo electrónico.
    SendTraceMail; 2017/08/31 14:30:38; E; file /data/anr/traces.txt is not readable.

    Óscar | Let's floppy!