Sunny Tuesday greetings from New Zealand. Sophos have got the product right this time for my Samsung Galaxy S5 and it is my #1 favoured AV for android. BUT, I need to know the answer to this question. I did a major android system reinstall last night and tried CM security but was unhappy with the sparseness of features and it did state there are 2 major vulnerabilities on the S5 that it could protect against, one of which I already knew, that being TowelRoot, the other vulnerability is something called BroadAnywhere.
I realise that alot of this could well be CM security scaremongering and also PR bull but I need to know if Sophos Free AV protects against these 2 Samsung achilles heels or not.
I would expect ALL major AV companies would do this, although may not make a major issue of it like CM although the TowelRoot has been publicly aired recently. EITHER WAY, Sophos is a keeper for me and GIVES for FREE what others charge for premium so ALL KUDOS to the Devs.
I also ask because I run part of my home fashion design enterprise on my android and security is all important although DEVS keep moving the App goalposts making it difficult to keep a consistent favourite app. I hope Sophos Remains the way it is.
But I'm more than happy with Sophos so thank you and the HQ is where I was brought up apparently, Oxfordshire UK (?) Kindest, Steph Sancia
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