Sophos Central Firewall Backups

Hello everyone,

During the partner roadshow in Hockenheim, I vaguely remember that it was mentioned in some presentation that there is a way to check/monitor whether firewalls are properly sending their backups to Sophos Central.

When I look at the Central APIs, I don't see anything related to that. Even in the Sophos Central Firewall Backup interface, I can only select the firewalls that can be backed up and download a created backup.

We increasingly have the problem that backups sent via email get lost, are too large, get rejected, and so on. Since we believe that email is not a good medium for this purpose, it would be great if we had more options through Central to ensure that the backups are running properly.

For example:

- API query for all backups available in Central per serial number or cluster

- Event / Alarm when backups are missing (with adjustable threshold or grace period...)

- Event / Alert for Firewalls without configured backup

The Firewall API itself also does not seem to support anything in regards to this.

Thank you in advance!

~ Ben

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[edited by: Gladys at 7:21 AM (GMT -7) on 19 Jun 2023]
Parents Reply
  • Dear Raphael,

    Thank you for your response and the suggestions you provided. I appreciate your effort in trying to assist us. However, after careful consideration, it seems that the options presented may not be the ideal fit for our specific requirements at this time.

    To explore alternative solutions, I will consult with one of our Sales Engineers, who can potentially help us submit a feature request that better aligns with our needs.

    I genuinely value your input and want to express my gratitude for your support thus far.

    Kind regards,
    ~ Ben
