As a very early adopter of Sandboxie, I am disappointed with Invincea (Sophos) latest problems just keeping the product working. I have read all of the instructions posted on and nothing works. The offline activation will not even recognize my product key.
As a provider of software that utilized a disabling mechanism (i.e., it constantly phones home and re-registers to thwart piracy), Sophos is directly responsible to it's licensees to keep the activation servers up. This is not happening, and although your release claims that you found multiple issues with your Internet presence supporting Sandboxie:
this does not excuse you from supporting your customers and certainly, complying with the terms of your license agreement as well as the law.
When can we expect a resolution to this severe problem?
[locked by: Barb@Sbie at 3:31 PM (GMT -7) on 10 May 2019]