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HTML5 VPN Web Portal


I have a webserver running here and I can reach with the HTML 5 VPN Portal.
It shows it's openend in IE but it seems to open a Firefox session inside it.
When I try to open a pop-up, it says it's being blocked by "nightly". I looked this up and it's part of Firefox.

When I click "Allow pop-ups from this website" the following error appears.
See this image:

The application doesn't need Internet Explorer per se.
But when I open this in any other browser, it returns the same error. It even returns this Firefox error on computers without Firefox installed.
We are able to reach this webpage/pop-up without the vpn on the internal network in any browser.

TL;DR, we just want to allow pop-ups on the HTML5 VPN.

Edit: Put images directly instead of links (however there seems to be an issue with resizing)

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