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AV Error 3059

When I try to reinstall the AV software I keep getting: Error 3059. Could not save the updating seetings on this computer.

It will then close out and do nothing else.

Does anyone have any ideas how to fix this? The system I am running into this on is a Windows 7 w/latest updates and it has 6GB or ram.


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  • Hello Xhris,

    article 13079 suggests Delete the named folder manually. Now it light or might not have displayed a name. Settings should be saved to %ProgramData%Sophos\AutoUpdate\Config - so delete it if it exists. Can't say whether this will help or not though.


    • I had this problem on a server and trying to figure out what was causing it made me literally pull my hair out!

      After running filemon, I found out that it was the Sophos folder in the Application Data folder of the All Users profile that had a corrupted config file which was preventing the installation.

      Once I deleted this folder, the installation worked.

      Hope this helps somebody, somewhere!!

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