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Red X --- not updating

I installed v.9 of Sophos Endpoint Security onto an XP machine and rebooted. A red X appears over the shield icon and I find I am not getting updates as required. Is there a known fix? A removal and re-installation just produced the same result.

Thanks ....


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  • Hi,

    "when i try to go to the Sophos Techicnal Support I get "Could not find Google Chrome make sure you typed it in correctly."

    This is a bug in Chrome, if another browser was the default those linke would work.  The bug is:


    "Default" has a value of "Google Chrome"

    This then causes a lookup under:
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths]

    For "Google Chrome" to work out where the exe is of Chrome is on disk.

    "Google Chrome" doesn't exist though, only "Chrome" does under the above key.

    So the options are either:

    1. Set another browser as the default.

    2. Don't use the links on the left side of the main page but use those under "Help", these aren't of type "StartMenuInternet" and will work.

    3. Patch the registry:

    There are a couple of options here:

    1. Change the value of "Default" under

    to read "Chrome" rather than "Google Chrome"

    2. Create an additional entry under the 
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths]
    which is the same as chrome.exe under app paths but called "Google Chrome"

    1 is easier.

    Either way it's all about making the first registry lookup point to a valid location.

    As for the updating problems:

    Find out if the machine is updating from Sophos or another location.  To do this just launch AutoUpdate configurtion dialog from within SAV.

    If it says Sophos, you will need some credentials from your admin.
    If it is a http location provided by your admin, they should give you credentials.
    If the location is blank you should ask your admin what location you should update from.



  • Hi,

    "when i try to go to the Sophos Techicnal Support I get "Could not find Google Chrome make sure you typed it in correctly."

    This is a bug in Chrome, if another browser was the default those linke would work.  The bug is:


    "Default" has a value of "Google Chrome"

    This then causes a lookup under:
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths]

    For "Google Chrome" to work out where the exe is of Chrome is on disk.

    "Google Chrome" doesn't exist though, only "Chrome" does under the above key.

    So the options are either:

    1. Set another browser as the default.

    2. Don't use the links on the left side of the main page but use those under "Help", these aren't of type "StartMenuInternet" and will work.

    3. Patch the registry:

    There are a couple of options here:

    1. Change the value of "Default" under

    to read "Chrome" rather than "Google Chrome"

    2. Create an additional entry under the 
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths]
    which is the same as chrome.exe under app paths but called "Google Chrome"

    1 is easier.

    Either way it's all about making the first registry lookup point to a valid location.

    As for the updating problems:

    Find out if the machine is updating from Sophos or another location.  To do this just launch AutoUpdate configurtion dialog from within SAV.

    If it says Sophos, you will need some credentials from your admin.
    If it is a http location provided by your admin, they should give you credentials.
    If the location is blank you should ask your admin what location you should update from.



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