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Autoupdate dies when migrating from 7.6.15 to 9.0.2


we have migrated our Library to 4.0, all clients are running in the new SUM-hierarchy.

I have kept the clients at 7.6.x for the time being to familiarize myself with the new console, and to allow for an easier downgrade if we discovered any problems with the new console.

When I dropped the policy with 9.0.2 to the first groups, I found that some clients will install 9.0.2, but that the AutoUpdate-package will report an error. Afterwards, the client is at 9.0.2, but since Autoupdate is stuck, it will not accept further updates.

The machine's details show that "autoupdate could not be installed: MSI could not be executed" (it's in German, please apologize for any inaccuracies of my translation)

The clients can be repaired remotely. If I force a new installation from the console with "protect computers...", Autoupdate is installed correctly and works just fine.

This has happened on about 25% of the 400 machines to which I have assigned 9.0.2. The clients are XP SP3, fully patched but still on IE7.

Is this an isolated problem of our environment, or has this happened to other installations as well?

I have opened a case some weeks ago, but the support engineer is still waiting for feedback from L2.

Best regards, Detlev Rackow


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