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Ports and UNC paths

8192 is used for the clients to report back to the enterprise server (according to Sophos telephone support), would that port be displayed on the client as a remote port or a local one.

A number of clients are displaying it as a local port, but not a remote one, they are also not reporting back to the EC, and I'm trying to find out why.

Another issue is.

How can I force Sophos EC to use IP's rather then machines names, Sophos refuses to allow me to use \\<ip> and insist on me using \\<machinename>

One other thing,

On the main screen of the EC it tells me that :

An update manager has not updated since 04 march 2011 16:31

However, looking at the update managers of which are 3, only the one with the EC has an error of "Software delivery failed" which only deliveres to itself and updates direct from Sophos just like the other two.

So as far as I understand it, it's failing to update itself but quite happy to update what little clients it wants to respond to, how would this even be possible, the UM should download the update and place it into the share that the clients use, this it is doing according to the clients but it isn't according to the server?


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  • but it fails to update the distribution share with the information it gets from the source

    It's you who has the logs available so of course I can't prove you wrong. Still - the little evidence you shared makes me think it fails to download. Basically there are four steps:

    1. Fetching metainformation from the parent warehouse (if you see the expected list of products when editing a subscription this part works) to the SUM's warehouse
    2. Downloading the encoded files for the selected products to the warehouse
    3. Decoding to the Working folder
    4. Deploying from Working to the CIDs

    Assuming your SUMs have identical subscriptions the contents of the warehouse folders should be practically identical (same is true for the working folder).

    And once more, the LogViewer will help in determining at which step it fails.


  • but it fails to update the distribution share with the information it gets from the source

    It's you who has the logs available so of course I can't prove you wrong. Still - the little evidence you shared makes me think it fails to download. Basically there are four steps:

    1. Fetching metainformation from the parent warehouse (if you see the expected list of products when editing a subscription this part works) to the SUM's warehouse
    2. Downloading the encoded files for the selected products to the warehouse
    3. Decoding to the Working folder
    4. Deploying from Working to the CIDs

    Assuming your SUMs have identical subscriptions the contents of the warehouse folders should be practically identical (same is true for the working folder).

    And once more, the LogViewer will help in determining at which step it fails.


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