I want to manage my PCs without Enterprise Console 4 and use only the Update Manager to create the CIDs. Then I want to configure the PCs with SAUconf.xml and SAVconf.xml (Using ExportConfig.exe and ConfiCID.exe). Nearly everything works fine.
But what I don't understand is the following: If someone change the configuration of the VirusScaner on a PC (e.g. turn off scans on file read) the configuration is not overwritten by SAVconf.xml from the CID.
What I found so far: If I change the SAVconf.xml and run ConfiCID.exe again for the CID the configuration is of the PC is updated (e.g. scans on file read are enabled again).
Does that mean that the SAVconf.xml is only applied once? Is it only applied when the file changes (checksum based)?
Maybe someone can explain how it works.
Thank You and best regards
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