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OneDrive Conflicts?

OneDrive and Sophos have been playing nice for years in our org, but recently there's been a strange issue.

There use must manually refresh (hot F5) in any of their windows explorer screens in order to see files they copied/moved/deleted. Uninstalling the SAV or ending the OneDrive process fixes this behavior.

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  • Did you resolve this at all?


    I'm potentially seeing some new issues with OneDrive and SafeGuard that's not turning out to be a crowd pleaser?

  • Hi Michael,

    Could you please explain the issue which you are having with One drive when Safeguard is installed?

    You may be aware of this issue but I just want you to confirm that this is not the issue which you are having currently. 


    Community Support Engineer | Sophos Support

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  • Thanks Jasmin. It is connected to this issue yes and I was aware of that article. We are suffering random deletion of group shared files within OneDrive. Supposedly initiated by the user themselves. However they’ve not done it! We also are suffering from other unexpected behaviour. OneDrive client stuck in an everlasting sync loop. We cannot disable OnDemand it’s a function we need and use (each user has 5TB of OD storage, often well in excess of their local storage capacity) We did have the modules installed but no policies active. The intention originally was to enable the modules and polices but it’s not been done and won’t be now. It has though caused us absolutely no issues to date. It’s clearly something MS/OneDrive has changed that’s caused this issue. I have logged a call but I now need to figure out a method of removing the File Encryption modules from each device. I discovered a bug yesterday in that prevents modification, but I discovered this is resolved in So I’ll need to update quite a few clients from 18 to 19 and then remove FE. Ideally though I need an automated way of doing this. ADDLOCAL helps adding functions on install, but is there a remove equivalent? Many thanks for replying. I’ve given some more detail in my logged calls.
  • Hi  

    Sorry for the inconvenience caused to you. To remove the FE, please refer to this article provided by Microsoft, Sophos doesn't have an article regarding this.

    I hope Microsoft's article will help you to find the way.


    Community Support Engineer | Sophos Support

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