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license no longer working on UTM Home Edition

license id: 413505

registration date: 29 July 2012

home use only

updates are working, and the firewall is working, but all my remote vpn and tunnels are not working... when i go to the "ssl" under "Site to site vpn" it shows the tunnel but its all grayed out and on the top it says "Licensing Info - This page is disabled as you either do not have a relevant subscription or the relevant subscription has expired!"

i dont see where it says expired anywhere on the licensing page, just says "disabled" under each section under base license info. see attached screen shot.

please help, is there a simple fix or should i just re get a new license? i thought they were for "lifetime" and didn't have an expire date. 


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  • could someone get back to me on what this might be?  the only thing i have not tired is just creating a new license from scratch.

  • I just tried to generate a new license and appliy it, but i got this error when uploading to my sophos utm. 

    what is going on here?  i'm going to have to double check everything agian.

    then i clicked "okay" and i'm still seeing everything as "inactive"

    Management → Customization → Global:
    The Home User License does not allow customizations of the enduser_messages->spx->internal_error_sender configuration. Continuing will reset this customization to the default.

    Management → Customization → Global:
    The Home User License does not allow customizations of the enduser_messages->spx->password_not_long_enough configuration. Continuing will reset this customization to the default.

    Management → Customization → Global:
    The Home User License does not allow customizations of the enduser_messages->spx->password_no_spec_chars configuration. Continuing will reset this customization to the default.

    Management → Customization → Global:
    The Home User License does not allow customizations of the enduser_messages->spx->password_not_presented configuration. Continuing will reset this customization to the default.

    Management → Customization → Global:
    The Home User License does not allow customizations of the enduser_messages->spx->internal_error configuration. Continuing will reset this customization to the default.

    Management → Customization → Global:
    The Home User License does not allow customizations of the enduser_messages->spx->url_not_found configuration. Continuing will reset this customization to the default.

  • i called support, they were very helpful... they said the home edition "free" is unlimited BUT you have to RENEW every 3 years. So i had just passed the 3 year point when things stopped working.

    They walked me through getting a new home license and i'm going to be updating it as soon as the email comes through for the updated license.   It would help if there was an "expired" date of some kind on the license page of the UTM.

    all my old licenses are garbage and i can delete them, not save them, etc.

  • Thanks randomguy, I was getting the engineering team to look at your issue, I am glad support helped as it sounds like they know what the issue would be and helped you quickly. I will look to create a KBA to inform users about the 3year renewal and I will also add this as a future enhancement to display properly when the 3 years is almost up. Thanks again!