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CPU usage by Sophos.

In a fairly new windows laptop, we had to install Sophos in our company laptop. This made the laptop extremely slow and hard to use. 

All of my coworkers have also been facing similar issues.

Sophos uses around 90-100% of the CPU. 

what should I do to reduce the CPU usage ?

Anything I have to look for ?

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  • Did the laptops have different antivirus/endpoint security installed before Sophos was installed? For example, some HP laptops come with their own security software, or perhaps you had previously installed something else. If the other software isn't fully removed, it could lead to the behavior you're describing.

  • HI, No. Before the HP laptop have been given to us, it was managed by the IT department to handle the installation of Sophos.

    All uninstallation and everything have been done by them. I am at lost 

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