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My Sophos working correcly?


Sophos 9.14 is run on my Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.
It is working silently, but I red somwhere that it is used to stop one times per a year.
So I get some query of it and I found the AV database is seems too old and get a "NO_SAVD_CONNECTION" also.
There is the all query what I ran from a command prompt.
Someone please inform me that these data is correct and my sophos is working perfectly.
I had singn the problems with yellow backrund.


1. /opt/sophos-av/bin/savdstatus --version

Copyright 1989-2017 Sophos Limited. All rights reserved.
Sophos Anti-Virus = 9.14.0
Build Revision = 2713642
Threat detection engine = 3.69.2
Threat data = 5.45
Threat count = 14141639
Threat data release = 2017. okt. 24., kedd, 00:00:00                          -> today is nov. 8. !!!

2. systemctl is-active sav-protect

3. service sav-protect status
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/sav-protect.service; enabled; vendor pres
Active: active (running) since sze 2017-11-08 15:22:48 CET; 55min ago

. . .  it is only partial copy of the whole output


4. /opt/sophos-av/bin/savdstatus
Sophos Anti-Virus is active

5. /opt/sophos-av/bin/savconfig query EnableOnStart
NO_SAVD_CONNECTION                                                                 -> There is a service what is not run ???


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  • Thank you Christian,

    I checked it and seems to be actual (2017.11.10.).
    If you can manage please move this to "Free Tools".
    I would check the "NO_SAVD_CONNECTION" issue.


  • Hello Christian,

    now I am joined to "Free Tools" group,
    so you can move this thread into it.

    Best Regards,

  • Hello Imre,

    moved. Guess can help with the NO_SAVD_CONNECTION issue.


  • I guess the first thing to check is that you are running savconfig as root?


    All the commands should be run as root, other than savscan.

  • Thank you, I made a second run as root:

    sudo /opt/sophos-av/bin/savconfig query EnableOnStart
    TRUE                                                                                                    -> it is run now without error

    sudo /opt/sophos-av/bin/savdstatus
    Sophos Anti-Virus is active and on-access scanning is running          -> It is added info

    sudo /opt/sophos-av/bin/savdstatus --version
    Copyright 1989-2017 Sophos Limited. All rights reserved.
    Sophos Anti-Virus = 9.14.0
    Build Revision = 2713642
    Threat detection engine = 3.69.2
    Threat data = 5.45
    Threat count = 14142168
    Threat data release = 2017. okt. 24., kedd, 00:00:00
    Last update = 2017. nov. 14., kedd, 14:07:15 CET                          -> It is added info

    It seems to me that my Sophos is up to date and run correctly :-)

    Best Regards,