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Sophos preventing Time Machine backup in Sierra

Since I upgraded to OS Sierra my time machine has been stuck in "preparing backup" but it never actually does the backup when using the Airport Time Capsule.  My second Mac with Sierra backs up fine, but it does not have Sophos on it.

I Stoped Sophos an the backup started immediately.

appears to be a bug.

[locked by: FloSupport at 10:08 PM (GMT -8) on 26 Feb 2019]
  • I've removed Sophos and still my TM are stuck at 1.18TB / 11 hours remaining. Tried a new TM disk/backup, same result.

    TM was working fine before Sophos :(

    In my case I had MacOS Sierra already installed, then got Sophos and then TM broke.


    EDIT: As of last night my second TM backup (normally kept off-site) was stuck at 1.18TB... but now I see this morning about 10 min ago the progress started up again to 1.21TB completed. So there is progress being made after removal of Sophos.

  • HI Ross , 

    We are currently working on the issue Time Machine , as for now Could you run the command and check if it works out for you 

    sudo sysctl debug.lowpri_throttle_enabled=0

    Thanks and Regards

    Aditya Patel


    Aditya Patel
    Global Escalation Support Engineer | Sophos Technical Support

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