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Android 13 Support


Please can you tell me when the free mobile client on the Google Play Store will support Android 13?

I have tried it on three separate devices and the link checker refuses to launch chrome but will launch other browsers. Peculiar.



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  • Hi Noli,

    I can see Android 13 support mentioned in the following post.
    - What's new in Sophos Mobile?

    If you're looking to test the functionality of the link checker, I suggest using one of the web pages from our Sophos Test website.

    I had some trouble replicating your issue, though I am still on Android 12 as it hasn’t yet been released for my device. I will update this thread with further information as I test this.

    Kushal Lakhan
    Team Lead, Global Community Support
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    • I have the same issue, Pixel6, android 13, Chrome as only browser,

      It worked wen on android12, now i get the message below when I tap a link in Whatsapp ot other apps.

      Running Sophos XG SFOS 17.5.10 MR-10

      On VMWare ESXi 6.7.0 Update 3 (Build 15018017)

      On 4 CPUs x Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU J1900 @ 1.99GHz with 8GB RAM, 120 GB SSD & 4x  intel I211AT NIC

      • Hi,

        I found your issue was also reported in another ticket 511378 and Qoosh indicated there that there is a pending fix to be released any time now.  There they said the fix was completed but a release not yet committed to a date.  The version they mentioned there, as I recall, (too lazy to jump between tabs) is 9.7.3525 or greater.

        Hope it helps...


        • The same here on Samsung Galaxy 20, Android 13, Chrome and Samsung browser

          Sophos Intercept X for Mobile version: 9.7.3524

          It worked with Andorid 12 but after the phone updated to Android 13, I get the same message as Dion-Ben Hendriks