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Sophos Antivirus for Linux (Ubuntu 16.04) with CyberghostVPN did not install correctly & corrupted my Internet access - How to install on Linux with a VPN service?


This is my first post here. I thought I would never have installed a Antivirus program on Linux. But faith proved me wrong. So I beg for your help now, cause it went wrong.

I have installed Sophos Antivirus for Linux on my Ubuntu 16.04 with a running CyberghostVPN connection (A VPN Tunnel service). After installation, I could not access anything in the internet (no DNS resolution), but was able to access the intranet locally. Now I solved it. So I can access again the internet ressources, but I have no Sophos installed.


  1. It throws an error during installation I do not remember (I guess something python related, it was yesterday late in the evening)
  2. I removed the package by following KB 133542
  3. So I decided to reinstall the complete network-manager with all of its dependencies. It did not work.
  4. I found out by comparing to another Ubuntu 16.04 system that 
    • /etc/network/interfaces looked the same just :
      auto lo
      iface lo inet loopback
  5. /etc/resolv.conf was pointing to a complete unknown address (who was causing this, I don't know: either Sophos or cyberghostvpn, which was running in the background?):
  6. After restoring to its original values internet connection worked again:

How could I properly install Sophos Antivirus next to CyberghostVPN on Ubuntu 16.04! Maybe I have to install it vice versa? Did CyberghostVPn and Sophos maybe share the same ressources and prevent each other from working? Is Sophos also written in Python, cause I guess, CyberghostVPN for Linux is?

Any help appreciated, even without CyberghostVPN!


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