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Sophos-AV for Linux Failed to download '': no such file. Please check PrimaryUpdateSourcePath.

Hello, Sophos Community members across the globe,



            I have been using Sophos-av for a year in all Linux servers but yesterday I got an error that it's failed to download.


Tue 17 Mar 2020 02:10:42 AM EDT: update.updated Updated to versions - SAV: 9.16.0, Engine: 3.77.1, Data: 5.73
Tue 17 Mar 2020 02:10:42 AM EDT: update.updated Successfully updated Sophos Anti-Virus from sdds:SOPHOS
Tue 17 Mar 2020 12:10:37 PM EDT: update.failed Failed to download '': no such file. Please check PrimaryUpdateSourcePath.


EmailDemandSummaryIfThreat: true
EmailLanguage: English
EmailNotifier: true
EmailServer: localhost:25
EnableOnStart: false
ExclusionEncodings: UTF-8

PrimaryUpdateSourcePath: sophos:

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SendErrorEmail: false
SendThreatEmail: false
UINotifier: false
UIpopupNotification: false
UIttyNotification: false
UpdatePeriodMinutes: 600
NamedScans: Weekly
LiveProtection: enabled
ScanArchives: mixed

I did manual update using /opt/sophos-av/bin/savupdate and it ran without any issue.


Please let me know where it went wrong or any configuration issue? Thanks inadvance


Thank you,


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